Advising FAQs

Registration Details

How do I add, drop, or see my class schedule for the semester?

Register for Classes has step-by-step instructions on how to:

  • Add classes
  • Drop classes
  • View class schedule
After I get registered for classes, what do I do next?

Once you have your semester class schedule, you will need to think about:

Where can I get information on enrolling in continuing education or non-credit classes?

Information on industry skills training and other forms of continuing education can be found at the Alamo Colleges Continuing Education (CE) Division

I selected a term for registration, but ACES is saying I need to re-apply for Admissions. Is this correct?

You may have selected CE Spring 2022. This will prompt you to re-apply for admission. Scroll down the list of terms and select either Spring 2022. As long as you are an active student and you select the correct term, you should not have to re-apply for admissions.

Where can I find my Assigned Advisor?

Visit "My Page" on ACES to view "My Advisor".

If you do not have an Assigned Advisor, email and include your Name, Banner ID, and major, and Advising staff will follow up with you.

How do I obtain my Advising PIN?

Click here for Advising PIN FAQs. 

Contact your Assigned Advisor, located in your GPS digital degree plan. Or, you can email Include your Name, Banner ID, and a request for your Advising PIN. Advising staff will follow up with you.

Can I register for the second level of a class, if I am still enrolled in the first level?

It is possible. If you are registered in the pre-requisite course, contact the academic department associated with the course for registration assistance.

The class I want to take has a red note that indicates This is An Alamo IM Direct Course. What does this mean?

Alamo IM Direct Course means the course offers low to no-cost digital materials for the course. Check with the professor or instructor of the course for more details.

Can I be added in to a full course?

Once a course is full, it is at capacity and students cannot be added to the course unless there is a waitlist option. Selecting the waitlist option does not guarantee your access to the class.

I am a SAC student. Can I register for a class at another Alamo College?

Yes. Now that you are part of the Alamo Colleges system, you can take a course at any of the Alamo Colleges. However, if you plan to graduate from San Antonio College, it is important to speak to your Advisor about the maximum number of courses you can take at another Alamo College.

Who do I speak to if I need assistance with the enrollment process?

Incoming students are able to speak with a certified enrollment coach at the Welcome Center. For more information, click here

I need guidance in the enrollment process, do you have a checklist I can follow?



Do I need to complete every step on the enrollment checklist if I have previously attended college before?

If you have more than 15 college credit hours you could potentially be exempt from some enrollment steps. Please verify the applicable steps when you meet with your certified enrollment coach. 

Student Request Forms

How do I submit a request to change my Alamo Colleges home school?

Students wishing to change home school would submit a Change of Primary Institution (CPI) form to the specific Alamo College they plan to attend.

Why was my home school not updated on my student account?
  • Visit Guardian for the current status of your Change of Primary Institution (CPI) request
  • Requests are processed according to the following timelines (exceptions may be available for graduation and when utilizing Veteran Benefits):
    • Fall: May 1 - July 31
    • Spring: August 1 - November 30
    • Summer: December 1 - April 30


What is MUM?

Multiple Measures (MUM) offers incoming students, NOT including high school students in dual credit courses, opportunities to enroll in college through the use of:

  • Standardized test scores
  • High school GPA
  • High school course history
Where can I complete testing at SAC to be eligible to take classes?

Tuition & Aid

Why were my classes dropped?

There are several reasons why a student may get dropped from classes, including:

If I am an AlamoPROMISE (AP) student, how long will I be funded by the program?