Refresher Course

Books with Graduate CapWhat is a Refresher Course?

The Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA) is used to determine if students are college ready to enroll in college-level courses in English and Mathematics. Students who do not place at college level in Math and/or English & Reading will proceed to take a 4-day Refresher Course, for which there is no cost to the students.



The purpose of the Math Refresher Course(s) is to offer students another opportunity to test into a higher level English or Mathematics class than their placement from the score on the TSIA exam.


About the Course

The Math Refresher Course(s) need to be taken only once.

  • The Math Refresher course is 16 hours
  • The Integrated Reading and Writing (INRW) Refresher course is 8 hours (No INRW available at the moment. Students will be placed in an English course based on their TSI Scores or an English Assessment.)
  • These courses are offered before the start of each semester and run at various times


More Information

For more information, please email The Readiness Center at

  • To be enrolled in The Refresher Course(s), students must visit the Readiness Center in the Dessert Willow Advising Center, Room 202
  • The process takes about 45 minutes.  Please allow yourself enough registration time prior to closing times
  • After completing the Refresher(s), students must participate in the college’s New Student Orientation and register for classes