NLC Graduate Selected as UTSA Mellon Fellow
莫妮卡提神, 2016 澳门新葡京博彩 大学 graduate, has been selected as a 2016 Mellon Humanities Pathways Fellow. The program will provide 36 undergraduate students at the University of Texas 圣安东尼奥 with exposure to humanities research methods, opportunities to participate in humanities research studies, professional development and mentoring that leads to doctoral studies in the humanities.
Pepping is in the first cohort of fellows selected and will receive a stipend of $4,000 that will be distributed as projects are completed.
关于monica pepping
莫妮卡提神 completed the coursework for an associate degree from 澳门新葡京博彩 大学 in 2016 and is now at the University of Texas at 圣安东尼奥 pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science with a minor in Global Affairs. Her ultimate goal is to earn a Master’s Degree in Professional Writing that she will use to write about issues of great concern in the hopes of reaching out to humanity to work towards building a better place for those that follow. A non-traditional student, 莫妮卡提神 graduated from NLC with Honors.
安德鲁·W. Mellon Foundation assists undergraduate students from underrepresented backgrounds in their research and in pursing graduate degrees in the humanities. Student stipends are distributed from a $500,000 three-year grant UTSA received. 阅读更多 在线 about the Mellon Foundation and the opportunities fellows in this program will engage in.