不要担心买书. AlamoBOOKS+ provides easy textbook rentals for eligible students through Barnes & Noble College, so students can have all required books and other instructional materials by the first day of class. |
How it Works
检查你的学生邮箱 一旦你的书和其他课程材料准备好复习, 符合条件的学生将收到巴恩斯的电子邮件 & Noble College prompting them to select their preferred delivery method. |
让你的材料出租 The Barnes & Noble College bookstores will prepare the books for each student and notify students when they have shipped or are available for in-store pickup. |
获取数码资料 Digital books and instructional materials will be delivered directly to students and will be accessible in their course(s) within Canvas. |
Click the link below and log in using your ACES username and password.
- 注册课程
- 上课前, you will receive an email providing you a link to your personal book/course material selection page where you can review your courses and choose how you would like to receive your materials. (注意:此邮件将来自
If you make changes to your course schedule within 30 days of the start date, 请预留24-48小时来加载更新后的课程列表. 邮件将发送给您的学生.alamo.一旦材料准备好了,就发邮件给Edu
- Log into your book/course material page using your ACES username and password. 您可以通过桌面或手机登录. Once your order is ready for pickup or ships you will receive an email notification. (Your digital materials will be delivered within Canvas via the “AlamoBOOKS+ Course Material” link located in your course(s).
Select the link below and log in using your ACES username and password.
The program is for all students who are taking in-person and/or online education courses at one of the Alamo Colleges.
继续教育和高中课程学生(1.e. Dual Credit, Early College High School, P-Tech and Alamo Academies, etc.)不符合参加此计划的资格, but receive their instructional materials through their school district.
However, home school Dual Credit students will be included in the AlamoBOOKS+ program.
Students using Department of Defense Tuition Assistance (TA) or financial assistance for military spouses (MyCAA) should be aware that military assistance programs are unable to cover the cost of instructional materials. 教学材料费将被添加到他们的帐户, adding $19 per credit hour that must be covered either out-of-pocket or through other financial assistance.
All eligible students will be automatically enrolled in the AlamoBOOKS + Program; no additional action is required.
该计划提供所有必需的教科书, lab manuals, 向符合条件的学生提供访问代码和数字教科书版本.
The program does not include consumables that cannot be returned and reused such as lab goggles, dissection kits, 分子模型试剂盒, 工程包或护理包.
归还所有租借课本的截止日期是期末考试的最后一天. Students will receive email reminders about the rental deadline to your 学校电邮地址.
所有租来的课本必须归还书店, in good condition, by the Rental Return Due Date (as shown on your Order Confirmation email). Textbook rentals returned via mail must be postmarked by the Rental Return Due Date.
Yes, 如果你决定保留你的租赁书, 你可以选择在退货期间以折扣价购买. Rental books that are identified as a 'Rental Only' title are not available for purchase at any time.
是的,只需使用网上可用的退货运输标签. 如果你要还多本书, 我们建议把它们放在一个盒子里, 所以你只需要一个运输标签. Depending on store hours, you can also just drop off your books at the bookstore.
Yes, you will still be required to return continuation course textbooks. You will be issued the same title for the next semester of the continuation course.
You may return the book to the bookstore on the same terms and timelines currently in place.
如果你放弃了一门课,并注册了另一门课, the bookstore will “swap” the required textbooks/codes so that you have what you need.
如果您仍有疑问,请联系您的书店团队. 或者,您可以访问客户服务中心.bncollege.Com为数字材料提供支持.
我们建议学生提供他们的名字客户服务, 学校电邮地址, school, 课程信息和问题截图(如果适用).
为客户服务团队在线开一张票 | 给客户服务团队发邮件 |
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